Elysium Command List ******************** The following is a list of all the commands in Elysium. Movement, Your Surroundings and Actions --------------------------------------- n,s,e,w,ne,nw,se,sw,up,down,in,out - moving between locations. swim - moving into water locations. directions - get directions to local landmarks. map - see an ASCII map of your immediate surroundings. enter - enter something. brief - only show room names and exits. verbose - show full room descriptions (default). follow / - following an npc or a player. lose - lose the person you are following. lose - try to stop following you. look - taking a look at your surroundings. exits - checking available exits. wake - try to wake up when asleep. sleep - try to fall asleep. sleep on - try to fall asleep on a bed. sit - sit on the floor. sit on - sit on a seat. relax - use a footstool if seated. meditate - go into meditation to regain mana. struggle - struggling out of binds board - board a ship. leave - leave the bridge of a ship. enter tunnel - enter the tunnel when dead. glance - lets you know the terrain type of your location. claimant - find out who owns the land you tread on. claim - claim unclaimed land. unclaim land - release land from your ownership. setalias - make it so that when you type in future, is issued instead. setalias - remove that word from your set aliases. aliases - list existing set aliases. ! - repeat last command typed in. greet - attempt to start a conversation with an npc. Item Manipulation ----------------- get /all - taking objects on the floor within your location. examine // - looking carefully at something. examine on - look at something worn by another. drop /all - drops an object onto the floor within your location. discard /all - permanently discard items considered to be junk. break - destroy a breakable item. burn - burn a suitable item in a campfire or other fire source. buff - remove rust from an item. light - light a candle or lantern. douse - extinguish a lit candle or lantern. put into - put an object into another object which you are holding, is present in the room, or is worn by a friendly mount. get from - get an object from another object which you are holding, is present in the room, or is worn by a friendly mount. give to - gives an item to another within your location. take from - takes an item from a loyal NPC. show to - show an item to someone else without giving it. wield in right/left hand - wielding an item in one of your hands. unwield - unwielding an item you are carrying. drink from - drink one unit of liquid from an object. drink - drink from any container holding a specific liquid. drink from - drink a specific liquid from a specific container. sip from - drink a small amount of liquid from an object. sip - sip from any container holding a specific liquid. sip from - sip a specific liquid from a specific container. quaff from - drink the entire contents of a liquid container. quaff - quaff from any container holding a specific liquid. quaff from - quaff a specific liquid from a specific container. eat - attempt to eat the object. eat from - eat from an inedible object, like a jam jar. empty - empties a container onto the ground. pour into - pour the contents of one liquid container into another. fill from - fill one liquid container from another. refill from - a specialist command used for perfume bottles and oil flasks. refill with - fill a smoking pipe with pipe mix. puff - smoke a small amount of pipe mix from a smoking pipe. smoke - smoke a large amount of pipe mix from a smoking pipe. wear - wearing clothing, armour and jewellery. remove - taking off a piece of clothing, armour or jewellery. outfit - list the options for creating and managing sets of clothing to allow switching between full outfits. apply - rub a herb into your skin. open - open an object. open door - opens a door in direction. close - close an object. close door - clse a door in direction. lock door - locks a door if you have the key. unlock door - unlocks a door in direction. mount - attempt to mount an npc. dismount - climb off of the back of an npc you are riding. dismount and lead - dismount and instruct your mount to follow at the same time. gallop - with a suitable mount and riding ability, move large distances quickly. saddle with - attach a saddle, saddle pack or barding to a suitable mount. unsaddle - remove a saddle, saddle pack or barding from a mount. wash - attempting to wash yourself in or near a large water source. wash - attempt to wash a dirty object in or near a water source. scrub - clean the dirt from a bath or wash basin item. shave - attempts to shave using your currently right wielded item. shave trim - trims your facial hair instead of shaving it all off. skin - skin the corpse of a long furred creature, for its coat. carve - carve a corpse into a carcass, ready for storage. batch into - batch commodities on the floor into a batch of commodities of size . split into - splits a batch of commodities into groups. naildown - nails down furniture to prevent it being moved. nailpull - pull nails out of furniture. nailscheck - check what furniture can be nailed down and whether it is. nailscheck id - check the nailed down status of furniture with the furniture id included. bait - various actions relating to bait tins and fishing rods. keydesc - encarves a description into a key. write in book/' - start writing into a book you carry. id here - list the id numbers of all objects on the floor in your location. id inv - lists the id numbers of all objects in your inventory. smell - smell an item for any unusual odours. sheath - place a wielded weapon into a sheath. belt get/put /all [from/into belt] - transfer money into or out from a money belt. draw right/left - draw a weapon from a sheath. goods - list the goods for sale from a merchant. goods - list all the examples of a particular good from a merchant. goods - look at a particular item for sale from a merchant. buy - buy an item from a merchant. buy - buy a specific example of an item from a merchant. sell - sell an item to a merchant, if they accept sales. sell options - see what items a merchant will accept. stall buy - buy a service from a market stall. craft - create an item using a common crafting skill. make - make certain items unlocked through events or skill groups. consider - check if an item is temporary, and if it's food. appraise - get more detailed information about an item. scribe - create pamphlets to distribute in a city. distribute - distribute pamphlets to citizens on city streets, attempting to convert their viewpoint on some matter or another, or distribute soup to feed them. mark as scrappable - add an indicator to an item that it can be smelted down later. mark as protected - add an indicator to an item to protect it from being smelted or otherwise easily destroyed. unmark as scrappable/protected - remove an indicator from an item. smelt - melt down a scrap item or unwanted weapon/armour to make ingots which can be re-used. scrump - search through fruit commodities for edible food. combine into - combine two compatible items such as powder tubes. sprinkle area with - Use a watering can to sprinkle liquid around an area. work stop - halt a working activity immediately. clothier list - see what items a clothier can make you. clothier buy - buy an item from a clothier. Combat ------ hit / - hit out at someone or something with your hands. swing / - swing at someone or something with the weapon wielded in your right hand. *** Note: The majority of combat related commands are only available to members of a guild, and so are not listed here. Communication ------------- say - says to all those in your location. shout - shouting things to everyone in Elysium. ooc on/off - turn on or off the out of character chat channel. ooc log/history - see the recent OOC chat messages. ooc log/history full - see a longer archive of OOC chat messages. ooc - send a message over the OOC channel. tell or - sending a message to someone, regardless of location. emote - displays ' ' to all those in your location. ems - displays ''s ' to all those in your location. wish - make a wish to the gods. pray - pray to a God. ask oracle - ask for help on a subject (newbies only). languages - list the languages you know. speak - speak in a language you know of. mail - post a message to a player, costing 10 gold, whether they are online or not. checkmail - check for mail sent to you. readmail - read a mail you have received. deletemail - delete a message. courier - at a goods courier, send an item to an offline player. Cost depends on weight of item. tell off - stop listening to tells. tell on - start listening to tells (default). tell ignore - ignore tells from a player. tell listen - listen to the tells of someone you once ignored. tell ignore list - list those that you are ignoring. tell history - repeat the last few tells from your current game session. discuss - compare feats and achievements with others. brag - show off about your achievements Gaining Information About Yourself and Others --------------------------------------------- who - lists those currently within Elysium. status/score - gives information about your character. status/score vitals/stam/mana - See various aspects of your status. vitals - tells you how much health and mana you have remaining. vitals full - tells you how much health and mana you have, plus some details about hunger, thirst and tiredness. stam - tells you how much health you have remaining. mana - tells you how much mana you have remaining. lessons - shows how many lessons you can currently absorb. inventory/inven - lists everything you are carrying, wielding and wearing. inventory unsorted - list your inventory without sorting into categories skills - lists the skill groups you have ability in. skills - lists what commands you know in that skill group. endurances - lists the natural resistances you have developed. homesickness - gives you your current homesickness status. quests - lists the quests you are currently on. cwho - lists those online in your city. owho - lists those online in your religious order. gwho - lists those online in your guild. fwho - lists the 10 most famous mortals online. listcitizens - lists all members of your city, online or not. ordermembers - lists all active members of your order, online or not. ordermembers full - lists all members of your order, online or not. forgiveness - advises you on your current religious status. guildmembers - lists active members of your guild, online or not. guildmembers full - lists all memebers of your guild, online or not. positions - lists those holding positions in a city. ministries - lists the Emperor and Ministers of a city. time - estimate the time within Elysium. diagnose - make a basic diagnosis of your condition. guildlist - lists the guilds and guildheads within Elysium. guildlist - gives information about joining that guild. diplomatic status - lists the feelings of that city towards the other cities within Elysium. relations - lists the feelings of all Elysium's cities towards you. rwho - lists all those online that your city either hates or loves. consider - gives you an idea of how your skills compare to another. consider - gives you some basic information about a creature. checklist - see your progress in some possible gameplay paths. achievements - list special achievements you have unlocked. hints - get information tailored to your current status or situation which might be helpful. Creature Loyalties, and Ordering Your Entourage ----------------------------------------------- nickname as - give a creature a nickname. nickname as none - remove the nickname a creature has. order as cowardly - orders npcs to run away when attacked. order as passive - orders npcs to not attack unless attacked. order as hostile - order npcs to attack anyone but yourself. order as enemy / - orders an npc to attack a specific player or npc. order as following - order npc to follow a person or yourself. order as following none - order npc to stop following. order as protecting - order an npc to protect you. *Note that troop legions can be commanded with the 'order' command but have their own syntax - See 'Ordering troops' later in the command list. entourage attack / - orders your entourage to attack a player or npc. entourage passive - orders your entourage to be passive. arm with - give a weapon to an 'armed bodyguard' to wield. coax - coax an npc which has been trained to listen to you to move. abandon to wild - return a tamed creature to a wild state Learning and Teaching Abilities ------------------------------- study - enter a session of study with a player. stop - stops studying with someone. teach from - teaches an ability from a skill to someone you are studying with. learn list - in the presence of your guildtutor npc, list what abilities you can learn in the skill you specify. learn from - learn an ability from a skill from a guildtutur npc or a player. forget - forget a skill, so that you might learn others. studyoffline lessons maximum - learn upto lessons while offline; read 'help studyoffline' for more information. Joining or Leaving a City, Guild or Order ----------------------------------------- join city - accept an invitation to join a city. (ask the Emperor of a city if you wish to be offered an invitation) join guild - accept an invitation to join a guild. (ask the guildhead of a guild if you wish to be offered an invitation) join order - accept an invitation to join a religious order. (ask the God of a order if you wish to be offered an invitation) leave city - leaves the city you are a citizen of, giving up cityrank. leave guild - leaves your guild, giving up guildrank. leave order - leaves your religious Order, angers the God you betrayed. Grouping With Others In Combat ------------------------------ join group - join a group of adventurers if offered an invitation to join a group. group form - form a group of adventurers to lead. group leave - leave the group you are in. group members - list the members of your group. group invite / - invite a player or npc into your group. Bulletin Board Commands ----------------------- bb - enter the bulletin board. check - lists the current status of the bulletin board. next - goto the next message in the section you are reading. previous - goto the previous message in the section you are reading. post - post a message to the section you are reading. read - reads a message in the section you are reading. generalbb - switch to the General BB section. newsbb - switch to the News BB section. citybb - switch to the City BB section. guildbb - switch to the Guild BB section. orderbb - switch to the Order BB section. Citizen Commands ---------------- vote cityrank - give your vote to a citizen for cityrank promotion. store - store a commodity within your city's warehouse. cwho - list those online in your city. listcitizens - lists all members of your city, online or not. cityenemy list - lists enemies of your city. vote rebellion emperor/rebels - give your support to either the Emperor or the rebel forces in a revolution. start - start a revolution. callguardians - give a cry for the guardians of your city to come to your aid against a city enemy. citizenry assist/reset - conduct small quests for the benefits of NPC citizens. Government Commands ------------------- *** Ministries are: state, justice, war, trade, and unknown treasury - lists the treasuries you have access to. cdeposit - deposits money into your ministry's treasury. cwithdraw - withdraw money from your ministry's treasury. cwithdraw /city/royal - withdraw money from another ministry. cdeposit /city/royal - deposit money into another ministry. tax - set the tax rate. appoint /none - appoints someone in your city as Minister, or removes them. citizen - invites player to join your city. uncitizen - removes player as a citizen of your city. stock - lists the city's warehouse stock. store - stores a commodity on the floor, into the warehouse. retrieve - retrieves of from the warehouse, and places it onto the floor. prefix - gives a player a prefix. suffix - gives a player a suffix. assemble wearing - assembles a legion wearing armour. build shop - builds a shop for a player, with the stockroom being . That stockroom must be an existing room. build door - builds a door in that direction, within your city. A key will be created and placed on the floor. reinforce door - strengthens a door, for a price. reinforce lock - strengthens a lock, for a price. build lamp - build a lamp for a room inside your city buildings. build security - build a security machine for your shops. build sign - places a sign in your current city location. build stall - builds a market stall in your location. dismantle - remove various government constructed items. build housing - builds additional housing for your citizens. demolish housing - removes excess housing from your city. stall setup list - list the types of trader you can have in a stall. stall setup - choose a trader for a stall. stall handto - set the manager of a stall. write on sign - write onto a sign in your location. wipe sign - wipes the sign in your location. construct list - lists buildings available for construction. construct - builds a building in your current location. declare - declares your city's feelings towards a city. listarmy - list the army of your city. listnavy - list the navy of your city. promote to - promote a army or navy member. demote to - demote a army of navy member. decommission - decomission a player from the army or navy. recruit into army/navy. buildship caravel/merchantman/frigate/galleon/manowar - build a ship. makebounty - make a bounty poster. removeshop - remove a shop in your location. removedoor - remove a door. cityenemy add - declares player as an enemy of your city. cityenemy remove - removes a player from your city's enemy list. stoplock fit/remove - fits or removes a stoplock from a door. handover iron machine to - reconfigure shop security for a new shopkeeper. pardon - Forget your city's bad feelings towards a player. favour - give a player your city's favour. condemn - condemn the actions of a player. discount - set a discount for shops in your city for those who are in your city's favour. research status - shows the status of your city's current research. research topic - start research on a topic. research funding - pour money into a research topic. research supply - supply a research program with the materials it requires. research list - list what is currently available to research. research history - list what you have researched in the past. makeinsignia sashes/insignia - Allows the emperor or minister of state to make symbols of their city. militia check - see an overview of your cities militia. militia list - see the options for your cities militia. militia set number - set the number of militia hired. militia set weapon - set the weapons used by the milita. census - conduct and check census' on areas you control. affluence - compare your city and its rulership against others. embargo economic - set or view an economic embargo on another city. report investment - get a report on your cities investments. grant tenancy to - declare a tenancy for another player in your current location evict tenant here/ - create an eviction notice to remove an unwanted tenancy rescind tenancy - voluntarily give up your tenancy rescind - cancel an eviction notice petition - hold court over citizens wishing an audience governance - see and set various city policies Industry Commands or Related ---------------------------- Type the name of the industry to see the syntax. Note: For warehouses, just type warehouse swing tree - chop down a tree if carrying a woodcutter's axe. pick fruit/seed - picks a fruit commodity or seed from a tree. plant acorn/pine/apple/pear/cherry - plant a grove if you have the seed on the ground. plough - plough a plot, ready for planting. sort - attempt to get the seeds from a commodity, for replanting. plant - plants a plot to grow the commodity specified, if seeds are on the floor. harvest - harvest a plot. change ownership to - handover an industry to another. industrylist - lists all the industries that you own. industry maintenance - lists maintenance costs for all your industries industry maintenance here - list the maintenance costs for the present industries. pay maintenanace - add gold to your industry's maintenance treasury. industry shutdown - close down an industry to save on maintenance costs. industry reopen - start up an industry you have shutdown. upgrade industry - upgrade an industry in your location. downgrade industry - downgrade an industry in your location. goatshear - cut some wool from a goat. survey rock - check the suitability of land for a quarry. survey mine - check the suitability of land for a mine. convoy - setup a commodity convoy from an industry to city stores. chemworks - use a chemical workshop. mine - use a pickaxe to get stones or rock commodities from the ground, or break larger rocks into smaller stones. Culinary Commands: ------------------ milkcow - milk a tame cow. gather common herbs - gather some common herbs for cooking. drain whey from - make cottage cheese from a container of milk. draing into - extract fermented cider from a cider fermentation tank. herbmix into - mix herbs into a foodstuff. wrap - prepare some cottage cheese to mature. unwrap - complete the maturing process of some maturing cheese. slice up - cut up a piece of food. cookery list/prepare/ingredients - Prepare some simple foods. ingredients - See a list of ingredients for recipes you can prepare. memory - See which recipes you have memorised. consider - check if food is suitable for your diet. boil into soup stock - create soup stock for making soup. boil into soup - create soup from soup stock. clean out - clean out a cider fermentation tank. Guild Commands: --------------- gwho - lists online members of your guild. guildmembers - lists guild members, whether they are online or not. inguild - offer a player an invitation to join your guild. outguild - throw a player from your guild. nominate - nominates someone to be entered into the guildrank elections. challenge guildhead - attempt to become guildhead of the guild by starting a guildhead election. vote guildhead - vote for someone in the guildmaster elections. vote guildrank - vote for someone in the guildrank elections. initiate - promote someone from the probationary rank to the second rank. guildstatus - gives you information on your guild. unpatron guild - removes the God patroning your guild. joinguild - join a guild at the guild's tutor, if the guild allows it. allowautoguilding - allow your guild tutor to initiate new members. rejectautoguilding - tell your guild tutor to stop initiating. befriend tutor - try to ingratiate yourself to your guild tutor (your tutor can nominate just like higher ranked guild members). request nomination - ask your tutor to nominate you for promotion. guild tutor summon - (Guildhead and assistant only) summon your guild's assistant tutor to your location. guild tutor summon tertiary (Guildhead only) summon your guild's second assistant tutor. guild directions allow/deny - (Guildhead only) set whether your guild tutors can be located with the directions command or not. guild initiation apply - apply for initiation from the probationary rank. guild applications - see the current applications within your guild and how you can support or deny them. Order Commands -------------- owho - lists online members of your religious order. ordermembers - lists members of your order, whether online or not. assemble fanatics wearing - assembles a legion of religious fanatics wearing armour. privileges - list the powers that your patron has bestowed upon you. orderranks - listing the Order ranks of the various religious orders. ordertell - tell a message to all in your Order. preach - attempt to convert people to your religion in a city. campaign - attempt to introduce a religious reform to an order. religion census - review the religious tendencies of others. religion excommunicate - eject another member of an order, if you have the power to do so. religion forgive - forgive a former member of your order so they can join another order, if you have the power to do so. religion vote confidence/no confidence - cast your annual vote as to whether you are happy with the order leadership or not, in an Electoral reformed religion. religion electoral nominate - nominate an order member for promotion, in an Electoral reformed religion. Shop Ownership Commands ----------------------- value here - lists all the prices set on objects on the floor. value here - lists all objects, of object type, and their set prices. value - find out about the price set on an individual item. value inv - lists the prices set on objects in your inventory. value set as - set the prices on all objects of type on the floor. value set as - set the price of a specific item on the floor. shop access add - add a player to the list of those who your security machine will not attack. shop access list - list those who are not to be attacked by shop security. shop access remove - remove someone from the list of those not attacked by the shop's defences. change ownership shop to - give a shop to another. set exclusivity - determine whether a merchant will sell to citizens or just adventurers. set buying