Elysium MUD

Nighthawk's History

Nighthawk was born on the 3rd day of the 3rd week of calmwind in a small hut on the outskirts of Tylorus. It was in that same hut that he witnessed his own father's murder to the hands of Tylorian guards, who had wrongly suspected him of evil witchcraft. Nighthawk spent his teenage years fending for himself out in the dense forests of Tylorus, until the time came of his 20th birthday, the time when he could finally go to the academy and be trained. Upon completing his training he began to settle in Tylorus, but soon came to realise that he didn't fit in with the Aurora-worshipping elves that had killed his father. After making his feelings clear to the government he left the city and became a citizen of Aronsol. He lived here for just over a year, under the emperorship of both Caren and Gilgalad, distancing himself from the other citizens and focusing his hatred on the inhabitants of Tylorus, who he had grown to despise. It was also around this time that he became intrigued with the ways of chaos and destruction, it was this intrigue that eventually led to him joining the Brotherhood Of Gralnak, the Great worm. His destiny was becoming clear to both himself and those around him. A few months after joining Gralnak's vastly growing army, he left for a short trip into the mountains of Occid. But on the morning of his return Nighthawk came home to find that he had been thrown from the city of Aronsol for his crimes of violence and robbery, which he had comitted to citizens and friend of his city. Seeking a new place to stay, Nighthawk travelled west, to the Demonic city of Szagan to be closer to his order brothers. His time there was short and sweet. Following on suite from his behaviour in Aronsol, Nighthawk was thrown from the Szagan for robbing, and murdering a citizen. He wandered then, cityless and companionless, stealing anything he could get his hand s on, slaughtering innocent young elves to spite his Tylorian enemies. A life without cause. For the third time he moved home, to the Orcish city of Ruk'tan. It was then that a great change occured in Nighthawk's life. He was swept away one night by a hooded stranger on a dark and seemingly endless journey to another land, where he was tormented and tortured, yet trained to focus his dark powers on more useful things. When he returned, Nighthawk had changed. Where before he was a sprightly, mischievous, thieving scoundral, he had become a bitter, twisted, physically weak, Dark Elf, focussing his energies on Black Magic and the darkness surrounding it. It is in this state he has been left, an outcast from society, causing havoc and chaos to those who try to get close to him. He is and most likely shall remain this dispicable, hate-filled elf, determinned to make others as miserable as he is.
