
Revision as of 07:07, 11 September 2023 by Xebicls (Talk | contribs) (Abilities)

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In Game Description

Bloodmagica is the magical manipulation of blood, sometimes used on the caster, but most often as an offensive attack on others, with the ability to modify how their blood behaves having a multitude of effects on your foes.

In addition to its offensive capabilities, Bloodmagica can also help you subsist by drinking blood, and can protect and heal your body in some situations.

Masters of Bloodmagica will also fashion servants out of pure blood which will serve them without question, and the skill is often considered a sister of Necromancy, with true masters being able to return the dead to life in a similar manner to Nercomancers.


Bloodmagica is taught by the Magus Alladen of the Dark Magi in Karinthia, or at the alternate tutors in Olbaron and Gralthar


Ability Name Description Cost Notes
Reabsorption Reduce the rate you bleed through reabsorbing blood. 0
Bloodshield Form an armour of hardened blood over your skin. 0
Bloodconversion Convert reabsorbed blood into mana. 2
Bloodsyphon Form a syphon which will attract blood into it. 2
Liquify Convert corpses or blood syphons into liquid blood. 2
Braindrain Drain the blood from the head of your opponent. 3
Bloodservant Convert a blood syphon into a servant who will obey you. 3
Scabsplints Form splints of hardened blood to repair your broken limbs. 3
Bloodthirst Gain more sustenance and thirst quenching from drinking blood. 7
Quicken Encourage hearts to beat faster, speeding up your target. 7
Reformation Your blood servants will reform when close to destruction. 14
Blooddarts Transform your bleeding or a blood syphon into a shower of deadly darts. 14
Bloodcall Encourage blood to erupt from your foes skin. 26
Bloodmerge Merge two blood servants into one stronger creature. 26
Bloodharden Clot the blood in the veins of your enemies. 54
Reanimate force a dead adventurer's heart to resume beating 85


Bloodmagica is magical in the magical/physical balance.

Bloodmagica qualifies for the Puremagic and Deathmagic higher skills.

Special Notes

When utilizing a blood syphon you can feed it your own blood as noted in the syphons description

'You could 'release blood' by cutting your own arm, if you wish to feed power to the syphon.'